By Suey Cooper
Ok, before we push on and discuss things in further detail here is a list of things that I have learnt this season:
- A next to is actually a Behind.
- You don’t get extra points for pinpoint accuracy when you hit the pole (editor: it’s post but we know what you mean!)
- You can’t tackle high, hard, low, swinging, or to the ground.
- You can’t smother the ball, throw the ball, hold on to the ball, run too far with the ball, kick it out on the full or kick it out on purpose.
- Play will continue if it rains, hails, is windy, still, hot or ridiculously cold and at all times you must wear tiny shorts and sleeveless tops.
- The coach doesn’t actually know my name….yup.
Fortunately, unlike me, the girls seemed to grasp all of that within a few weeks, because let’s be honest, I think some of you know I still don’t believe that some of those rules are really legit.
Now what was I saying…..Oh Yeah….. YOU KNOW IT, WE WON IT MMHHMM WE WON IT!
And when I say ‘we’, obviously I mean the girls. But, let it be said right here and now that on behalf of ridiculously proud Hampton Rover U12 Girls parents everywhere. OUR GIRLS ARE THE BEST AND IT’S OFFICIAL!!! TOLD YA!
What a day! Banners and braids everywhere you looked. Grandparents, families and friends were there to see our girls take the biggest moment of the footy calendar in their stride just like that first night under lights.
There wasn’t a part of the team that wasn’t tested to their limits or that didn’t rise to the challenge. Daisy did what all great leaders do and led by example and, if stepping up was the criteria, then we had 22 captains.
Leni, who not so long ago was using her face on the ball, gave Hampton their first Grand Final Goal and I’m happy to say, she did it with her foot. Well done! We had injuries that brought girls off the ground yet they were still begging to get back on the field.
Through her drug induced haze, Mia K scored our other goal and in the moment that made me prouder than you could imagine it was Mika that saw that Mia had the better shot and passed it to her.
For me, that moment was the one that showed how our girls had become the team that beat every opponent that faced them. Whether it was in the Midfield, Forwards or Backs our girls gave it everything – individually and as a team.
Laura scored a few behinds, Mika got at least one but the action was so intense that all I could do was scream encouragement and try to stop grabbing random people through sheer excitement.
After an entire game of great moments, the last quarter was positively heart stopping! Beaumaris’s biggest were up against our smallest and we still held on – Esme, Olivia, Elicia, Batman, Mia S, Maddie, Georgia, Eloise, Lily, every single girl played their best game of their season… Except Sassy who was a no show, but who cares, WE WON!!! Ah come on, you know I’m kidding, she was definitely missed, but WE WON!
I know there aren’t many laughs here but even I know when to shut up and let the true champions get the attention they truly deserve.
Hampton Rovers U12 Girls, the first girls in the clubs almost 90 year history to bring home the banner.

The moment the siren sounded
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