Look, it’d be churlish + sore loser-like if I started off with the one about asking for birth certificates wouldn’t it? Buuuuttttt, there were a couple of really, really tall kids in the Vampires side. All that blood sucking?
Anyway, the first quarter was very even and tight and our boys really held their own. The first goal (and what ended up our only goal) was kicked by a flying Fynnie D. Dan H also had a great first quarter. The score at quarter time was HR 10 EBV 8
The second quarter featured a few good passages of play but we couldn’t convert when it was down our end. Jimbob performed a lovely pirouette and Zach B went in head first for some brave efforts but the Vampires cleared the ball for another goal. As usual Ollie Horigan was super in the backline and took a couple of goal saving marks, including in the last 30 seconds. Unfortunately his dad, Peter, has never read a match report in his life so he won’t read the glowing reports of his very talented son – who we all know gets his talents from his mother…
Half time: HR 12 EBV 15
Do I have to keep going? Seems I do. The Vampires were simply cleaner and more than once I wondered whether we should go back to the coloured arm bands of yester-year given the amount of players around the ball. Jorge and Ollie Horigan (there’s that name again) were generals along the backline and it was lovely to see Sam M smother a ball without following it up with a face plant of the opposition.
At 3/4 time the score was HR 14 EBV 30
I think we all know where this is going. My notes said not playing tight, body not behind the ball and kicking in hope. That’s what pressure and a well drilled opposition do to you. Unfortunately Jimbob and Ned both sustained a fractured finger (different fingers…..one each) which will see them both on the sidelines for several weeks. Their hard running and high flying marking antics will be sorely missed.
Final score: HR 15 EBV 51
Trent’s message to the boys was: think about where you’re kicking the ball. We’re not creating space to lead and not manning up.
Trent’s 3 best: Dan, Jorge, Ollie Horigan
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