So this week could not come around any quicker for our boys and parents. There were 8 debuts for our team on the weekend – 6 players and 2 officials.
Luca, Finn, William, Harvey, Mason and Campbell all played their first game and really impressed and all performed extremely well as a team. Peter (Patrick’s dad) stepped up to the plate and has become the assistant coach, thanks for your help and at last someone has put their hand up to fill the most sort after role, winning by unanimous points to take the Team Managers role is Paige (Sunny’s mother). She is very excited about the role but will require all our support throughout the season so her and the teams experience will be a positive one. Thanks Paige.
The enthusiasm and hunger for the footy was very obvious from the first minute of the game. Jack, Mason and Ethan had the footy on a string and their centre clearances were every forwards dreams, Harvey and Finn could not believe the amount of times the ball was going their way with both creating great amounts of pressure on the oppositions backs. Patrick, Sonny (who was very nervous pre-game but had an awesome match) and Lachlan showed great ball skills in passing and goal kicking. Lachlan took two great marks in the forward line and one of them was an absolute screamer.
As the game continued, the boy’s confidence sky rocketed, Harvey had a couple of centre clearances, Domenic and Seb continue pressure around the ground and at times giving out great handpasses to players in space, given them the opportunity to run the ball out of defence or the centre. William, Hugo, Sunny and Bradley were among the players enjoying the spaces.
What excites me about coaching this group is seen a break out game from one of our players – a quiet achiever and from time to time you will read this reports with the similar words, it was great to see… This week’s moment was seen Josh have one of those games that showed every skill he learned from dad / mum and the last two years of been coached when it all came together for him, his ball skills, his running were all on show and it looked like he was really having fun and enjoying playing with such a great bunch of boys. Well done mate.
A big thank you to our captains – Ethan and Domenic who led and demonstrated their passion, teamwork and respect towards the opposition and our Rovers on a memorable weekend. Well done boys.

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