COMMUNITY- Common Unity, WOW, never looked at it like that before.
I receive many emails during the week, some are work related and are dealt with accordingly. Others, like most people, I glance at them and move forward faster for some messages than others.
Yesterday was cold. I got out of my car at Princess Park to watch Rovers U13s play Ajax. I saw this lady below, Justin Tuffley, sorry, Dr Justine Tuffley. Justine had the trainer’s bib on. Okay I thought, but hang on her boys are in U14/12 & 9. Yes, Justine has 5 boys: 2 sets of twins, is a wife to Steve and in her spare time runs ultra-marathons. So why do I highlight this? Well last week Peter Civitarese squad manager for the U13 lads sent out an email asking for help. With families on holiday and trainers all over the place, Dr Tuffley stepped up and offered to assist the team although her own sons were not playing in the game. Thanks Justine, you’re the CLUBPERSON of the week (the inaugural).

Justine Tuffley

Peter Civitarese
I first met Peter 4 years ago and his quiet, methodical approach struck me deeply. A very considerate man, measured, articulate a guy that doesn’t chase the headline, just burrows away in the background with wonderful effect. This age group in U13 owes Peter plenty, the coaches could not operate without his guidance and precision, he set new foundations on how Team Management at Rovers will be into the future. Keep up the great work mate.
Following Peter’s email several trainers from various age groups offered to help. Here is his response to all club trainers that reached out:
I am very appreciative of people’s response, as are 18 lads…
Being a part of Rovers for over 7 years and not that you take it for granted where we live, but it is moments like these that you truly appreciate the great place we live in Bayside and the community (Common Unity). Why chose Rovers as a club, it can’t be described, you experience the people, generosity and support for one another.
Thank you very much to all of you that were willing to go out of your way to help 18 boys have fun on the weekend.
To Paula S and Sanae H who will tag team on the day…..Appreciated very much…..😀
Have a great Weekend everyone, Enjoy and have Fun…..
The pure sport of football at times comes a distant second when you read things like this, Common Unity prevails.
I spare a thought for SMJFL HQ on weeks leading up to the holiday rounds. Families jet-setting to experience the sun and fun leaving behind us poor souls that need to make up teams with nothing more than needle and thread. Thanks Emily and Ian for no doubt taking a 1000 calls/emails to get all kids on the park.
I saw Julian’s U9 team play yesterday at the postage stamp. I won’t mention the club for fear of this next comment biting me. I witnessed some hotly contested footy and some questionable goal umpiring from the opposition. Scores not taken in U9 but I guess it’s important no matter what age your child is playing for them to win, fairly or otherwise. At some stage the parent will understand that blatant cheating is not appropriate.
All under 8 teams experienced a big day with mixed results. The under 10s also had a mixed bag.
All Under 12 girl teams found the going tough at the Boss. We tried to have the games separated but the opposition said a transfer from 10.00am to 1.00pm would be an inconvenience and they would rather play on a smaller oval than offer a more realistic footy experience. Never mind.
The U17 lads played St Kilda City and had another good win.

All these lads are Brighton Sec lads, good mates no doubt.
The U16 D2 team had another win, make that 3 from the last 3, more lads are coming back from APS and this adds reliability and balance which allows for a more competitive unit.
The U16 D1 team were not smiling after being shown a lesson in competitive 1 v 1 footy.
The Under 14 teams had a win and a loss, well done to Griffo with plenty of lads playing 2 games.
Under 18 ladies, this says it all.
54 – 9
I hope all families enjoy the next 2 footy free weeks off, great time to get away or hibernate with a good book, do some extra study or go watch your favourite AFL team play. Stay safe and we will see you all back in 2 weeks.
Oh and good luck to Luke Nixon-Smith and Zach Bowen this Saturday who play for the Under 14 SMJFL Div 1 Interleague in the Grand Final of Vic Metro Champs. It is at Eltham, Central Reserve this Saturday at 2.00pm.
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