Rovers values on display
Most weeks I get little moments that make you proud of the Rovers Community we all belong too. This weekend was one of those. We all try to teach our teams Passion, Teamwork, Fun and Respect, and I saw each of those elements on display at Castlefield on Sunday.
We had two games that saw the Hampton Rovers be both ‘home’ and ‘away’ in the one game – it was Rovers v Rovers. It was amazing to watch these games and see how Passion, Teamwork, Fun and Respect was played out with great spirit and good football.
Each of these games finished with all of the players arm in arm singing our club song as one squad regardless of the result. It’s moments like these that make me proud of our club and the little humans we are creating!!! Well done to all the kids involved. This is just one of the reasons why I LOVE HAMPTON ROVERS!! It’s this culture that makes Rovers the club everyone now wants to be a part of. Thank you all for making it that way.

The two Under 10 Blue teams (obviously before the game – #mud)
I would also like to give a shout out to East Sandy who helped us with a clash strip for one of our games. Our merge partner for U15s and above is East Sandy, and they were happy to help us. We would offer to do the same for them when they need. Being part of an inclusive and respectful community is why we all like living and playing here.

The two Under 12 Div 2 Girls teams
Major Club Event – Rovers Gala Dinner
Thanks to all those who purchased ticked to the Gala Dinner on 22 June 2019. The event has now sold out. There will be no more tickets on purchase… sorry. But if you can’t attend, but would like to help, we are still on the look out for donations for the evening auctions. Please contact us if you’d like to help. I’m really looking forward to this event which is now only three weeks away. Rumour has it some ex-Rovers, now AFL players, are coming to enjoy the night.
Footy lights
The final word this week is a more serious one. We at Hampton Rovers Football Club take the safety and welfare of our players very seriously. We have been working with the organisations and stakeholders that control and manage our facilities to ensure that they also understand this.
Over the past few weeks there have been some games that have been played in bad weather or have run behind schedule due to a football incident – meaning that the games have been played in low light.
While we would like to switch on the ground lights when the light is low, we are not able to do this all of the time. It is simply beyond our control. Our lights are controlled by two things:
First – the Bayside City Council set the lighting operation windows. These are 4.45pm on a Saturday and Sunday.
Second – we cannot turn the lights on outside of the ‘Council Set’ windows of operation.
We have tried to get this changed but to no avail. The Senior and Junior Club will continue the active discussions with the VAFA and SMJFL this week and will continue to highlight that the safety of our players is the most important consideration. We will also continue to speak with the Bayside City Council about changing this position. I will keep you updated on the progress, but please be assured that we are doing all we can.
Enjoy the break
I hope all of our Rovers families enjoy the next weekend off and come back refreshed for Round 7. For those going away over the long weekend, enjoy and travel safe.
Jason Nicholl
Junior President
Passion, Teamwork, Fun and Respect
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